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This is a brief guide on how to add your folder path to your file in Visual Studio Code. This will help you to quickly identify the location of your file in the folder view.

1. Open the settings.json

Open the command palette by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P in Windows or Cmd + Shift + P in MacOS, and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).

You can also open the command palette on MacOS by clicking on View > Command Palette.

2. Add the following code

Add the following code to the settings.json file:

"workbench.editor.customLabels.patterns": {
    "**/pages/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Pages πŸ“‘",
    "**/components/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Components 🧩",
    "**/styles/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Styles 🎨",
    "**/utils/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Utils πŸ› οΈ",
    "**/hooks/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Hooks πŸͺ",
    "**/services/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Services πŸš€",
    "**/context/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Context 🧠",
    "**/assets/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Assets πŸ–ΌοΈ",
    "**/public/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Public πŸ“‚",
    "**/config/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Config βš™οΈ",
    "**/constants/**": "${filename}.${extname} - Constants πŸ“¦",

You can also customize the patterns to match your project structure, for example if you have an api folder inside /pages/api, you can add the following pattern:

"**/pages/api/**": "${filename}.${extname} - API πŸš€",

3. Done!

Add the following code